/* eslint-disable prefer-template, prefer-destructuring, no-var, vars-on-top */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef var parser = new UAParser(); var deviceData = parser.getResult(); var browserName = deviceData.browser.name; var browserVersion = deviceData.browser.major; function unsupportedBrowserErrorMessage() { var unsupportedBrowserMessage = 'This browser is unsupported.'; var redirectLink = 'https://support.text-em-all.com/article/574-supported-web-browsers'; var redirectLinkMessage = 'This page will redirect after a few seconds to our support page.
If nothing happens, please click here'; // DOM elements var body = document.body; var container = document.createElement('div'); var img = document.createElement('img'); var message = document.createElement('H2'); var description = document.createElement('P'); // remove root div so that only the unsupported message shows body.removeChild(document.getElementById('root')); // body styles body.style.width = '100%'; body.style.height = '100%'; body.style.backgroundColor = '#f2f2f2'; // message container styles container.style.position = 'relative'; container.style.marginLeft = 'auto'; container.style.marginRight = 'auto'; container.style.textAlign = 'center'; container.style.top = '100px'; container.style.margin = '0 auto'; container.style.width = '500px'; container.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; container.style.border = 'none'; container.style.paddingTop = '50px'; container.style.paddingRight = '25px'; container.style.paddingBottom = '50px'; container.style.paddingLeft = '25px'; // unsupported styles on older browsers container.style.borderRadius = '4px'; container.style.boxShadow = '0px 1px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0px 2px 2px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.14), 0px 3px 1px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.12)'; // Text-Em-All logo and styles img.src = 'https://www.text-em-all.com/hubfs/text-em-all-web-logo.svg'; img.style.height = 'auto'; img.style.width = '200px'; // error message styles message.style.display = 'block'; message.style.paddingTop = '40px'; message.style.fontFamily = 'Helvetica, sans-serif'; message.style.fontSize = '24px'; message.style.fontWeight = '400'; message.style.color = '#344a6f'; // error description styles description.style.fontFamily = 'Helvetica, sans-serif'; description.style.color = '#344a6f'; description.style.lineHeight = '1.5'; message.innerHTML = unsupportedBrowserMessage; description.innerHTML = redirectLinkMessage; container.appendChild(img); container.appendChild(message); container.appendChild(description); body.appendChild(container); // add delay for users to read error message before redirecting // eslint-disable-next-line func-names this.setTimeout(function () { window.location = redirectLink; }, 6000); } function validateUnsupportedBrowsers(lastSupportedVersion, currentVersion) { if (Number(currentVersion) < lastSupportedVersion) { return true; } return false; } function checkUnsupportedBrowserVersion(type, version) { if (type === 'Chrome') { var lastSupportedChromeVersion = 60; return validateUnsupportedBrowsers(lastSupportedChromeVersion, version); } if (type === 'IE') { // We no longer support IE :D return true; } if (type === 'Edge') { var lastSupportedEdgeVersion = 79; return validateUnsupportedBrowsers(lastSupportedEdgeVersion, version); } if (type === 'Firefox') { var lastSupportedFirefoxVersion = 55; return validateUnsupportedBrowsers(lastSupportedFirefoxVersion, version); } if (type === 'Opera') { var lastSupportedOperaVersion = 50; return validateUnsupportedBrowsers(lastSupportedOperaVersion, version); } if (type === 'Safari') { var lastSupportedSafariVersion = 12; return validateUnsupportedBrowsers(lastSupportedSafariVersion, version); } return false; } var isUnsupported = checkUnsupportedBrowserVersion(browserName, browserVersion); function checkBrowserVersion() { if (isUnsupported) { return unsupportedBrowserErrorMessage(); } } checkBrowserVersion();